Wednesday 15th March 7pm
WEBINAR: Join me chatting with Parent Coach and Psychologist Arlette Shohmelian on Wednesday evening. Online registration at

LARNACA: Saturday 18th March 2023.
For more information and registration

London 9th March 2019
Join me in London on 9th March for the workshop “Experiencing the Child with Learning Difficulties” Walk in the shoes of a child with barriers to learning for a morning.
Additional information and booking
Cellfield information sessions :
Friday 8th Feb 9am or Sat 9th Feb 12pm
Experiencing the Child with Learning Difficulties:
Sat 9th Feb 9am
Pretoria: 13 October 2018
Cape Town: 1 September 2018
Johannesburg 11 August 2018
Bloemfontein 7 August 2018
Johannesburg 2nd June 2018
Competence in tests and exams (in all subjects) is reliant, not only on subject knowledge, but also on interpreting and answering the question effectively.
A fun-filled workshop guiding your child develop these skills.
Grade 6 & 7 Comprehension Workshop: Saturday 20 May 2017
Gr 5 Comprehension: Saturday 24 June 2017
9.30 – 11.30 am 9 Riley Close, Pineslopes
R 550.00 including workbook and a snack. Places are limited.
Book your place 011 467 2193
Cellfield Information and Networking Morning for Professionals
Join us for an informative morning to view and discuss the Cellfield reading treatment.
Friday 24th March 2017 10am
The Workshop Reading Centre, 9 Riley Close, Pineslopes.
RSVP by 16th March 011 467 2193
Inferential Skills Workshop
Grade 6 & 7
As children progress into the higher grades, they are expected to be able to answer questions in comprehension that extend beyond what is obvious in the text. These higher order thinking and inferential skills are not always easy to master. Join us for a fun-filled morning to provide tools that children can use to develop these skills
Saturday 25th March 2017 09h30 – 11h30 R 550.00 per child including a workbook and small snack.
Places are limited, contact us to book.